1. The Miracle of Dunkirk. 2. R.A.F. Fighters Master the Luftwaffe
28. Spanish Encounter
3. The Glorious Attack at Taranto. 4. The Capture of Siddi Barrani.
515. Waterloo
544. Untitled-Battles
7315-Untitled-A Soldier's Farewell
Battle of Dettingen, The
Battle of Trafalgar
Battle of Trafalgar
Battle of Trafalgar, The
Battle of Trafalgar, The
Chesapeake and the Shannon
Conflagration of Moscow
Danish Invaders (Historical)
DP 2. Shot in the Back, A
Glorious 1st of June (Historical), The
H.M.S. Victory (350 piece)
Henry V
Henry V, Before Harfleur
Millennium Puzzle Set 1,000
Nestlé-N0. 4. Fuite de Charles le Téméraire 1476
Out There
Red Indian Hold-Up, The
Saving the Guns
Scotland's Army
Sir John Rushworth Jellicoe
Spanish Main, The
The Thin Red Line
Union Jack Series
Untitled-Saving The Guns
Untitled-Sea Battle
Victory, H.M.S. (175 piece)
Whole Line Will Advance, The
// This is a generic paginator for album, photo and movie pages. Depending on the page type,
// there are different sets of variables available. With this data, you can make a paginator
// that lets you say "You're viewing photo 5 of 35", or "You're viewing photos 10 - 18 of 37"
// for album views.
// Available variables for all page types:
// $page_type - "collection", "item", or "other"
// $page_subtype - "album", "movie", "photo", "tag", etc.
// $previous_page_url - the url to the previous page, if there is one
// $next_page_url - the url to the next page, if there is one
// $total - the total number of photos in this album
// Available for the "collection" page types:
// $page - what page number we're on
// $max_pages - the maximum page number
// $page_size - the page size
// $first_page_url - the url to the first page, or null if we're on the first page
// $last_page_url - the url to the last page, or null if we're on the last page
// $first_visible_position - the position number of the first visible photo on this page
// $last_visible_position - the position number of the last visible photo on this page
// Available for "item" page types:
// $position - the position number of this photo