"Carnival" in Venice
01. Motoring Paradise, A
03. Picnic Camp on the Buffalo River, East London, South Africa., A
11. Native Workers at a Rand Gold Mine (300 piece)
20. Avenues of Jacaranda in full bloom in Pretoria. (150 piece)
20. Avenues of Jacaranda in full bloom in Pretoria. (300 piece)
23. New Year's Bathing Party, A (300 piece)
Alice Joyce-Vitagraph Star
Australian Nocturne, An (300 piece)
Autumn Melody
Avant l'entrée en scène
Beauty of the Orient
Beauty Prize, The
Bedroom Scene
Bevis Fabrics
Bière blonde
Champs-Élysées, The
Chocolate Soldier, The
Christmas Greetings
Connaisseur, Le
Dante & Beatrice in Florence
Dante and Beatrice (Florence)
Danza Andalusia
Dare He?
Daughter of the Nile, A
Dick Whittington (Later cut style)
Dick Whittington (Version 1-Earlier cut style)
Dick Whittington (Version 2-Earlier cut style)
Dollar Princess, The
Elegant Soirée, An
End of the Trail, The
End of Trail, The
Falling Leaves
First Offence, His
Flower Girl, The
Flowers of the Sea
Footlight Favourite.
Fountains, Kensington Gardens, The
French Princess, A
Friend in Need, A
Gay Shoes
Girl in the Hat, The
Girl on Cliff
Glad Tidings
Going Up
// This is a generic paginator for album, photo and movie pages. Depending on the page type,
// there are different sets of variables available. With this data, you can make a paginator
// that lets you say "You're viewing photo 5 of 35", or "You're viewing photos 10 - 18 of 37"
// for album views.
// Available variables for all page types:
// $page_type - "collection", "item", or "other"
// $page_subtype - "album", "movie", "photo", "tag", etc.
// $previous_page_url - the url to the previous page, if there is one
// $next_page_url - the url to the next page, if there is one
// $total - the total number of photos in this album
// Available for the "collection" page types:
// $page - what page number we're on
// $max_pages - the maximum page number
// $page_size - the page size
// $first_page_url - the url to the first page, or null if we're on the first page
// $last_page_url - the url to the last page, or null if we're on the last page
// $first_visible_position - the position number of the first visible photo on this page
// $last_visible_position - the position number of the last visible photo on this page
// Available for "item" page types:
// $position - the position number of this photo