04. David Copperfield's Journey from Yarmouth to London
63. Rochester Coach, The
Charles Dickens Centenary 1812-1912, The
Committee Choose the Punch. Bowl, The
D13. David Copperfield's First Sight of London
D14. Pickwickians Leave the Golden Cross for Rochester, The
D2. David Copperfield Arrives in London
D3. Nicholas Nickleby’s Departure for Dotheboys Hall
D6. Mr Pecksniff Leaves for London
D7. Election at Eatanswill, The
David Copperfield Leaving Margate
David Copperfield on His way to School
Dickens Centenary 1812-1912 Booklet
Dickens London
Dickens London
Dickens No. 11
Dickens No. 12
Election at Eatanswill, The
Hotel Stable Yard
Oliver Asks for More
Rough Journey, A
Two Wellers at the Blue Boar, The
Untitled-Marine Parade, Brighton, The
York Coach Passing the Old Queen's Head
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