O Swallow, Swallow

A commission from a poster cut in June 2015. Howard has left the face undissected and line-cut around the figure, enhancing the image beautifully. The painting was inspired by a well-known passage in Tennyson's poem 'The Princess' from 1847 (revised 1851).

Strudwick was encouraged by John Pettie, and he became a studio assistant to his uncle Spencer Stanhope and then to Edward Burne Jones. His independent output was small because of his meticulous attention to detail, especially in his treatment of draperies and accessories. His career was damaged by critical opposition from the Athenaeum critic FG Stephens.

Artist: John Melhuish Strudwick
Date: 2015
Brand: HS Puzzles
Material: plywood
Nationality: British
Pieces: c700
Size: c 16 x 11 in
Title: O Swallow, Swallow

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