Mail Coach, The

Another very fine example of the art of cutting is demonstrated here in this French, Eddie branded plywood jigsaw puzzle. It is cut almost entirely in the non-interlocking, or push-fit style and with widespread colour line-cutting, but the cutter has, as generally found within this high-quality brand, also created a fully interlocking border to assist with the task of keeping the puzzle in shape during its assembly. The painting, which features a very typical period coaching scene, is unsigned.
If you haven't tried before, you can select Coaching from the keyword album drop-down list in the left margin, to see many other examples from this popular theme. Click here for a demonstration.
Images and details are courtesy of Jacques Vélu

Artist: Unsigned
Date: c1950's
Brand: Eddie=Puzzles=Paris
Material: Plywood
Nationality: France
Pieces: 700
Size: 16 1/2" x 12 1/2"
Theme: Coaching
Title: Mail Coach, The

Album Tree

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