Tall Story, A

Featuring exceptionally fine colour line-cutting and frequent direction changes in keeping with the setting, this top-quality plywood puzzle ranks very high in the challenge stakes!
It clearly has influences from the Royal range of neighbouring manufacturer Vera, but takes the intricacies and fine colour line-cutting even further. An interlocking border surrounds the predominantly push-fit remainder.
The Sheffield Plate Co, 14 Rue de la. Pépinière, Paris appears on a box label and presumably denotes the retail premises.
Many thanks once more to Jacques Vélu for furnishing me with details of this, my first encounter with the Eddie=Puzzles=Paris brand.

Artist: Dovaston, Maragaret
Brand: Eddie=Puzzles=Paris
Material: Plywood
Nationality: France
Pieces: 1650
Size: 25" x 19"
Theme: Period
Title: Tall Story, A

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