Lost Scent (Version 2)

This beautiful plywood puzzle features one of Harry Eliott's fine hunting studies, in which the brave fox appears to have given the pack of hounds the slip. It is interesting to note that the puzzle carries the exact same title as another similar Holtzapffel puzzle, produced at around the same time, but this time featuring the art of Arthur Wardle. Both carry the Baker Street address occupied from 1932 onwards. Also of particular note in this example are the two rabbit shaped Whimsies, or figural shapes, the first instances I have ever seen in a Holtzapffel puzzle! Do let me know if you have seen any others. Thank you.
See also the more recently discovered Holtzapffel puzzle Eastern Street Scene, which again features just two matched Whimsies and belongs within this same production era.
See also this AVN Jones puzzle featuring the same image, but entitled Good Sport

Artist: Eliott, Harry
Date: c1932
Brand: Holtzapffel
Material: Plywood
Nationality: British-England
Pieces: 505
Size: 28 1/4" x 11"
Theme: Hunting
Title: Lost Scent (Version 2)

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