Peter Cottontail Jig-Saw Puzzle, The

Probably a very limited production from this little-known manufacturer, which features a painting from the cover of one of the Bedtime Story-Books from the American author Thornton Waldo Burgess (1874-1965), who developed the Peter Cottontail character in around 1914.
The painting is by his friend and fellow American illustrator, Harrison Cady (1877-1970).
The style of box leads me towards dating this puzzle as around 1920, but this is only given as a guide.

Artist: Cady, Harrison
Date: c1920's
Brand: Lane's Jigsaws
Material: Plywood
Nationality: British-England
Pieces: 30
Size: 4 1/4" x 6 3/4"
Theme: Fantasy
Title: Peter Cottontail Jig-Saw Puzzle, The

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