Lands End Enigma Puzzle, The

262 piece interlocking plywood jigsaw puzzle featuring a painting by the popular Scottish artist Joseph Farquharson (1846-1935). The puzzle incorporates eleven themed Whimsies or figural shaped pieces including the letters L and E for Lands End in the lower right quadrant.

A larger plywood jigsaw puzzle cut by Meredith Worsfold in 2005 also features this painting under the title The Shortened Winter's Day

Artist: Farquharson, Joseph
Date: c1990's
Brand: Optimago
Material: Plywood
Nationality: British-England
Number: 1
Pieces: 262
Range: Enigma
Size: 15 1/2" x 11 3/4"
Theme: Farming
Title: Lands End Enigma Puzzle, The

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