Au Café

Fine example of semi-interlocking plywood puzzle, thought to date from the era c1920-1925, which depicts a humorous setting where two very smartly attired gentlemen enjoying beer, pipe and cards (two bons vivants in French), are making fun of a rather pitiful looking chap, either ill or self-claimed ill, drinking something, perhaps medicinal, which is as green as his flesh tint. A waiter in the background totes a tray full of beers.
Sadly the artist of the study has not been identified, with only a partial signature evident.
This is another fine addition to the site, supplied by Jacques Vélu to whom I am ever grateful.

Artist: Unidentified
Date: c1920-1925
Brand: Puzzles Perplexité, Les
Material: Plywood
Nationality: France
Pieces: 500+
Range: Artistique
Size: 19" x 13"
Theme: Portrait
Title: Au Café

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