Launching of the Cunard White Star Liner R.M.S. Queen Mary, The

Brightly coloured painting by Barnard Way of the 1934 launch of R.M.S. Queen Mary, which also cleverly promotes Raco Zig-Zag Puzzles in red on the back of the grandstand on the left side.
The box lid features a small b/w guide picture and further information on the ship and painting.

Artist: Way, Barnard
Date: c1934
Brand: Raco-Intalok-Zig-Zag Puzzle.
Material: Plywood
Nationality: British-England
Pieces: 200
Range: Zig-Zag
Size: 16" x 9"
Theme: Maritime
Title: Launching of the Cunard White Star Liner R.M.S. Queen Mary, The

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