Untitled-Croydon Airport

Simple interlocking plywood puzzle of Croydon Airport with assorted planes and motor vehicles on the ground and the famous Imperial Airways Handley Page H.P.45, G-AAXF (nickname Helena), flying overhead.
As with many others from the Raco transport themed puzzles, the artist was the British born, Robert Barnard Way (1890-1958).
This same image also appears as one of six in the composite puzzle Record Breakers

Artist: Way, Barnard
Date: c1930's
Brand: Raco-Intalok-Zig-Zag Puzzle.
Material: Plywood
Nationality: British-England
Pieces: 152
Range: Zig-Zag
Size: 16" x 9"
Theme: Aviation
Title: Untitled-Croydon Airport

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