Swan Inn, The
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Beautiful Butterflies
Fool's Gold Insert Literature
Bear Dance
Fool's Gold
Old House Hereford, The
Gretna Green
Express Train, The
Dickens London
258. Coasting Down to Kyle
Maori Lodge "Hinemihi"
Valley of Daffodils
Partick West
Through the Purple Heather
Spy in the Camp, A
Pomp and Circumstance
Duke and the Clan, The
Classic Steam Trains Literature
242. Duchess of the Night
221. Skirting the Sea Wall
Classic Steam Trains
Vintage Transport Literature
680. Road Meets Rail
Vintage Transport
Racing Collection Literature
R03. Cheltenham Water
Racing Collection
Royal Scot, The
The Drums Fore and Aft
Le Clownesse
La Naissance de Venus
Canal Scene
Old Shambles, Manchester
22. Union Buildings, Pretoria, The (300 piece)
Red House Museum & Gardens
St. Paul's from Bankside
Australian Bush
Victoria Falls by Moonlight
Snowed in for the Winter
Murder on the High Seas
Shortened Winter's Day, The
No 3. RMS Mauretania
Set of Four Puzzles, No 2161
3. RMS Scythia
None but the Brave Deserve the Fair-456 piece
// This is a generic paginator for album, photo and movie pages. Depending on the page type,
// there are different sets of variables available. With this data, you can make a paginator
// that lets you say "You're viewing photo 5 of 35", or "You're viewing photos 10 - 18 of 37"
// for album views.
// Available variables for all page types:
// $page_type - "collection", "item", or "other"
// $page_subtype - "album", "movie", "photo", "tag", etc.
// $previous_page_url - the url to the previous page, if there is one
// $next_page_url - the url to the next page, if there is one
// $total - the total number of photos in this album
// Available for the "collection" page types:
// $page - what page number we're on
// $max_pages - the maximum page number
// $page_size - the page size
// $first_page_url - the url to the first page, or null if we're on the first page
// $last_page_url - the url to the last page, or null if we're on the last page
// $first_visible_position - the position number of the first visible photo on this page
// $last_visible_position - the position number of the last visible photo on this page
// Available for "item" page types:
// $position - the position number of this photo