03. Antony and Cleopatra
052. The King Steps Out
1. Henry and His Courtiers watch Wrestling Contest
1. King taking the Salute of the Guards, The
13. Lady Jane Grey
14005. Charles II on Board a Two Decker Man-o-War
182B. Kings and Queens of England
2. King Leaving the Horse Guards Parade at the Head of the Guards, The
2. Mary's May Ball in Windsor Great Hall
27. Fire over England
3. King and the Royal Princes arriving at the Horse Guards Parade, The
3. Mary and Buckingham Play Tennis at Windsor
4. King and the Royal Princes Leaving Buckingham Palace, The
4. Lovers Return on the Royal Hind, The
526. Cavalcade of Kings and Queens
6. King Taking the Salute at Buckingham Palace, The
An Artists Impression of the Coronation (Vol A)
An Artists Impression of the Coronation (Vol B)
Attack on the Prince, The
Augustine Preaching before King Ethelbert.
Battle of Dettingen, The
Changing Guard at St. James' Palace
Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace
Charles I
Coronation Coach
Coronation Jig-Saw Puzzle-1953
Coronation of the King and Queen
Coronation Souvenir Picture Puzzle-Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Coronation Souvenir Picture Puzzle-His Majesty King George VI
Couer de Lion and His Crusaders
Couer de Lion and His Crusaders (Historical)
Cow & Gate-"The Two Royal Princesses"
Cromwell & The Kingship
Embarkation of Henry VIII
Embarkation of Henry VIII
Embarkation of Henry VIII[i]
Empress Eugénie and Court Ladies (Period)
French Princess, A
Glorious Company The Flower of Men, A
Guards Band at Windsor (Military)
H.M. King Edward VIII
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II
H.M. Queen Elizabeth II
H.M. The King and T.R.H. Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose
Heart of the Empire May 6 1935
Henry V
Henry V, Before Harfleur
His Majesty King George V
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