126C. Spring Flowers
14002. Cocktail Skyline
14008. Still Life of Fruit, A
15. Flaming Scarlet
Anémones dans un cristal
Bouquet of Flowers
Cherry Blossom
Christmas Roses
Country Cottage III
Déjeuner à Collettes
Dessert, The
Detail of Grinling Gibbons' carving in limewood, Petworth House
Flower Studies-Roses
Flower Study, September
Flowers from Table Mountain
Gastronomie en Gascogne, La
Nature Morte d'après Baugin
Nature Morte-Pommes et Poires
Natures Gift
Old Dutch Vase with South African Flowers
Red & Yellow Tulips, 1996
Red Roses
Rose-"Maid of Honour"
Roses in a Vase
Sixty Shades of Fruit
Spring Basket and Bird's Nest with Eggs
Spring Flower Arrangement
Spring Flowers
Tea for Two
Tea Roses
Vase de Florence
Vase de roses
Vase of Wallflowers
Vue de mon studio
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