04. David Copperfield's Journey from Yarmouth to London
062. Market Square, The
1016. Off to the Coast
2001-Christmas Ball
2002-Santa's Here
29. Yuletide
63. Rochester Coach, The
953F-Old Town
A l'Auberge du "Cygne Blanc" (diligence)
All's Fair in Love
Arrival, The
At the Coach & Horses
At the White Hart
Barnet Fair
Champs-Élysées, The
Changing Horses
Changing Horses
Christmas Eve
Coaching Scene
Combs Coach
Coronation Coach
Coronation Jig-Saw Puzzle-1953
D13. David Copperfield's First Sight of London
D14. Pickwickians Leave the Golden Cross for Rochester, The
D2. David Copperfield Arrives in London
D3. Nicholas Nickleby’s Departure for Dotheboys Hall
D6. Mr Pecksniff Leaves for London
D7. Election at Eatanswill, The
David Copperfield Leaving Margate
David Copperfield on His way to School
Dickens Centenary 1812-1912 Booklet
Dickens No. 11
Dickens No. 12
Election at Eatanswill, The
En traversant le pont sur la diligence
Evening-The Welcome Inn
Express Train, The
First of May, The (From "Sketches By Boz").
Formulating the Plan
Gipsy Camp, The
Harrods in the Snow
Hotel Stable Yard
In the Days of Old
Lord Mayor's Coachman
Ludgate Hill and St. Paul's
Mail Coach, The
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