515. Cathedrals of England
539. Adoration of the Magi
Adam & Eve, the Fall of Man
Adoration of the Magi, The
Allies Thanksgiving Service
Augustine Preaching before King Ethelbert.
Before Id Prayers
Bildstock am Weg (Shrine on the Way)
Building the Tower of Babel (Period)
Challenge, The
Couer de Lion and His Crusaders
Couer de Lion and His Crusaders (Historical)
Creation of the Animals
Doubtful Vintage, A
Entrance to a Mosque
Entrance to a Mosque
Evening Hymn, The
Fiery Furnace, The
French Market Square, A
Glory of Rubens, The
Good Joke, A
Greetings for Christmas
Henry VII’s Lady Chapel (Westminster Abbey)
Interior of St. Peter's, Rome
King Henry VIII's Prayer Book
La Vierge et l'Enfant (Retable d'Issenheim)
Little Lord Jesus (Biblical), The
Lucretia Borgia Reigns in the Vatican in the Absence of the Pope Alexander VI
Margaret Peyton
My Lady's Garden
No 631 Angel and No 632 The Children of Lir
Picture Map of The Holy Land
Pilgrims, The
Reading Wycliffe's Bible
Salome Dances Before Herod
Salome. Daughter of Herodias
St. Margaret of Scotland
Untitled-The Offering
Vatican in Rome
Virgin & St. John Adoring Christ
Vision of St. Hubert
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