Training album area

Here you will find examples for the five main album types. These are not order dependent and can be organised at any time into their correct hierarchy.

I am using the British manufacturer Raphael Tuck & sons for these illustrations, since their vast array of material caters well for this suggested layout.

The five suggested album types, in their commonest hierarchal order, are:
Brand, Literature, Range, Series, Puzzle.

Categorising jigsaw puzzles can be quite challenging, so in order to do so, I have implemented the above five headings which have generally worked thus far!

Not all of the above five will always apply, especially in the infancy of a new parent album, but certainly "Brand" and "Puzzle" should be catered for initially. Range and Series sub-albums can always be created later on, if and when such extra classifications become necessary, as can a Literature album when suitable material becomes available.

For the purpose of these guidance notes, I have entered an individual "Puzzle" album in its own right, as I have done with the "Range" and "Series" albums. If this puzzle was then found to belong within a specific range or series, it can easily be moved to that destination, once one has been created for it.

The "Add an album" option available through the "Add" drop-down list at the top of every page, will open an input screen which has been pre-populated with an example layout for a new puzzle. This can then be edited with details relevant to your own example. This same pro-forma will appear for all additions, so in cases of new range, series or literature albums, all this pre-populated information should be deleted, prior to adding your own information. Thank you.

For the purposes of clarity my criteria for the classification of "Range" against "Series" is as follows:

Range: A named style of puzzles within a manufacturers output. ie. "Zag-Zaw", "Crazy-Cut", "Circular", "Figure=it=out", "Double-Decker", "Gold Box Super-Cut", "Pastime", etc. This classification refers to the design of the puzzles as opposed to the imagery. At the time of writing there are 46 named ranges and these can be viewed on the "All Tags Page" within the "Custom Views" area near the top of the right hand column on any page.

Series: A set of puzzles, usually promoted as such by the manufacturer. i.e. "GWR", "Soldiers of the King", "Conquest of the Air", "The Bystander", "Thorburn's Birds", etc. Unlike the range category these sets are usually based on the subject/theme displayed within the artwork. Again, at the time of writing their were 124 separately recorded series, also viewable on the "All Tags Page".

See the individual albums for further guidance, starting with the "Brand" album shown below.
  • Brand


  • Range versus Series

    Range versus Series

Album info

Album Tree

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